How this 380 million-year-old heart could help us understand early life on Earth better.


In a recent study, scientists have discovered that a certain type of fish that lived 400 million years ago shares a surprising similarity with sharks that exist today – their hearts are located in their throats!

This is an incredible discovery, as it provides insight into how the heart has evolved over time. What’s even more amazing is that the scientists were able to find fossils of these fish that were preserved in 3D, allowing them to study the heart in great detail.

This research is important not only for understanding the evolution of the heart, but also for understanding how other organs have adapted over time. It may even provide clues as to how we can better protect our own hearts from disease.

Quick Summary

In conclusion, the study of the fossilized organ provides new insights into our distant evolution. The co-author of the study emphasizes the importance of the findings, stating that “we are all related, in the most literal sense.” These findings could have a profound impact on our understanding of our place in the universe.


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