“Nope” is a unique and suspenseful take on the alien invasion genre that is sure to keep you entertained.


Peele plays with the conventions of the genre, despite the fact that the movie’s marketing teased the possibility of an alien invasion plot.

By setting much of the action on a remote horse ranch outside Los Angeles, the writer-director-producer mounts the terror on a smallish family scale, closer to M.

Night Shyamalan’s “Signs” than the grandeur of Steven Spielberg’s “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” despite those bubbling clouds and foreboding skies.

The family includes OJ (Daniel Kaluuya), reuniting again with the director), and Emerald (Keke Parker), siblings who inherited their father’s ranch and horse-dealing business.

OJ sells stock to Ricky “Jupe” Park (Steven Yeun), who is a carnival-barker and runs an oddly located tourist spot in the middle.

However, the middle of nowhere is where UFO sightings are most common.

Things get increasingly strange.

OJ and Emerald’s quest for truth leads to Brandon Perea (a very amusing local video guy), who watches too many programs on the cable TV’s crowded Alien-amongst-us tier.

However, Perea is useful if OJ wants evidence that can be used by Oprah.

OJ, unlike his chatty sister, is very verbose (hence the title).

However, Kaluuya conveys more information with an intense stare than anyone else, so “Nope” manages to keep you on edge, even with some time spent exploring family dynamics.

Peele can also take off in some strange directions.

He even takes a bizarre detour through flashbacks, which shows his ability to mix comedy and horror while not necessarily moving the plot forward.

Peele cleverly uses a range of sources including Sci-Fi movies from the 1950s, at least in tone.

He relies on viewers for filling in any gaps.

The response to the fantastical threat is surprisingly mundane.

It builds to a sequence that is beautifully shot and superbly scored by Michael Abels, but not enough to satisfy.

Peele doesn’t have to answer every question.

However, it is fine to not spell them out.

Even with all this, “Nope,” especially the scenes that were shot in bright daylight, is visually stunning and well worth a large screen.

Peele’s movie is intended to be shared by a large audience thanks to its mix of humor and horror.

Although “Get Out” was able to revive the horror genre by incorporating themes about racism and race, Peele’s “Nope” feels more humble.

It is also more entertaining because you don’t have to dwell too much on details.

“Nope,” however, has a unique feel that doesn’t fully pay off the more interesting ideas.

Are “Nopes” worth watching? Yep.


But, to the extent that “Get Out” provided the whole package in an Oprah-worthy manner, this new journey into the unknown offers entertainment without rising above those high expectations.

The US premiere of “Nope” is July 22.

Rated R..

Adapted from CNN News


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