“Uncovering the Forgotten Pioneers: Examining the Early Influencers of Modern Progress”


The present-day unfortunate circumstance lies in our complacency towards the immense progress achieved over millennia, of which we are now the inheritors. Each day begins with awakening in a comfortable bed, followed by the retrieval of fresh milk and orange juice from the refrigerator. A shower is taken under the luxury of hot running water, before commuting to work via train or car. Ascending to the th floor using an elevator, one earns a living through computer work within an air-conditioned office behind large plate glass windows. Evenings are spent unwinding by streaming movies and music, or engaging in leisure activities.

In the contemporary era, individuals can engage in real-time video calls with friends from various global locations. This technological capability was nonexistent a few centuries ago and only recently emerged within the last few decades. Despite the rapid evolution of such innovations, many do not often consider the origins or the challenges involved in their development. Jason Crawford, the founder of the Roots of Progress initiative, stands as a prominent figure within a burgeoning movement that champions progress and its associated advancements.

The assessment of achievements up to this point focuses on evaluating progress through the lens of outcomes for individual human beings rather than in technocratic terms. It envisions an ambitious technological future that is desirable to live in and inspires enthusiasm for its creation, as articulated by Crawford. The concept of progress is being reconsidered by these organizations advocating for economic growth driven by scientific, technological, and industrial advancements, separate from the modern political progressives who can be traced back to the Progressive movement in American politics during the early s in response to…

acceleration of industrial growth as a key component of societal advancement. Leonard notes that the progressives of this era were steadfast in their conviction that a select group of experts should wield governmental authority in order to steer progress in the desired direction. This viewpoint contrasts sharply with the principles of classical liberalism, which emphasizes individualism over state intervention. The progressives’ unwavering faith in a strong, centralized government as the primary vehicle for achieving social welfare underscores their commitment to rapid industrial expansion as a cornerstone of progress during this period.

A century later, a clear embodiment of contemporary progressivism can be seen in The Progressive Promise manifesto released by the representatives of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. The document boldly asserts, We maintain that the government should act as the primary force for equalizing opportunities for all individuals. It advocates for ambitious measures aimed at bridging the socioeconomic divide and guaranteeing the provision of fundamental services to all citizens. This vision reflects the enduring belief in democracy and the conviction that expertise not only can contribute to the betterment of society but also has the potential to define it.

The current policy landscape contrasts starkly with the optimistic outlook on technological advancement and economic expansion held by individuals in the early th century. The prevailing ideologies of today prioritize redistribution rather than endorsing policies that encourage growth and progress. According to contemporary thinkers, unrestrained economic development is resulting in severe environmental degradation and detrimental societal outcomes. Various organizations, ranging from the Human Progress project at the Cato Institute to the eco-modernist initiatives at the Breakthrough Institute and the Pritzker Innovation Fund, are spearheading the movement towards a new paradigm of progress.


In conclusion, The Progressive Promise manifesto is a powerful call to action for creating a more equitable society where all individuals have access to the resources and services they need to thrive. By recognizing the vital role of government in leveling the playing field and ensuring basic needs are met for all, the Congressional Progressive Caucus reminds us that democracy thrives when everyone has a fair chance to succeed. It is through bold and ambitious measures like those outlined in this manifesto that we can work towards a future where expertise and compassion combine to shape a society that truly serves all of its citizens.


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