How Families and Communities in Peshawar are Coping With Loss After the Attack

Today, a suicide attack occurred in a mosque inside the Police Lines in Peshawar, Pakistan. The incident resulted in the injury of 147 people, with many of them in critical condition. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of the victims and their families, as we share their sorrow and anguish.
The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Shehbaz Sharif has strongly denounced the attack, and he has been quick to dispatch rescue teams and security forces to the area. He has also announced that the federal government will cooperate in increasing the anti-terrorism capacity of the provinces, in order to reduce the risk of such attacks occurring again in the future.
1. What occurred in Peshawar that injured 147 people?
The tragedy that occurred in the city of Peshawar, Pakistan on June 23, 2020 was one that left 147 people injured and 17 dead. Reports indicate that a bomb was detonated in the vicinity of a mosque, causing the devastating injuries and fatalities. The blast is believed to have originated from a suicide bomber who was targeting the mosque, though the motive behind the attack is still unknown. The resulting devastation was horrific, with many of the victims being left with severe burns, broken bones, and in some cases, irreversible disabilities. In the wake of the blast, the Pakistani government has pledged to increase security measures and to bring justice to those responsible for the attack.
3. What did Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif strongly denounce?
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif of Pakistan has strongly denounced the devastating attack on the city of Peshawar in which at least 17 people were killed and 90 injured. This attack, which occurred on the third of March, was a horrendous and senseless act of violence, and the Prime Minister’s vehement condemnation of it is indicative of the strong stance taken by the government against terrorism. He has declared that such actions will not be tolerated, and that the perpetrators of this attack will face justice. This sentiment of strong opposition to terrorism, and the commitment to justice, is emblematic of the stance taken by the government of Pakistan against terror, and is an important step in their efforts to bring peace and stability to the region.
4. How many people were killed in the deadly bombing in Kocha Risaldar area of Peshawar?
The recent news of the deadly bombing in Kocha Risaldar area of Peshawar is deeply saddening. As reported, at least 17 people have been killed and 90 others have been injured in the attack. This tragic incident is a vivid reminder of the fragility of life and of the volatility of the situation in this region. Though the exact cause of the attack is not yet known, it serves to highlight the importance of taking all necessary steps to ensure the safety and security of the people in this region. The number of fatalities in this attack is a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and of the need for a swift response to any potential threat.
Quick Summary
This barbaric act of terrorism seeks to create a culture of fear and hate in our society. In condemnation of this tragedy, Prime Minister Imran Khan has called for an immediate investigation into the suicide attack. This senseless act has resulted in the loss of many innocent lives, and we mourn for all those affected by this attack. We must all stand together in solidarity and condemn such horrific acts of violence and work together to prevent any further acts of terrorism from occurring.