How the removal of a Soviet-era monument affects Estonians


The Estonian government said Tuesday that it has decided to remove a Soviet monument in the town of Narva, which sits in the Baltic country’s Russian-speaking part. Estonian Prime Minister Jüri Ratas said the reason for the dismantling is that the monument represents a risk for public order.

Ratas said the decision was made after consulting with security officials and local residents. He added that the government is committed to ensuring the safety of everyone in Estonia, regardless of their background or ethnicity.

The Soviet monument in question is the Bronze Soldier, which was erected in 1944 to honor Red Army soldiers who died during World War II.

Quick Summary

As the world changes, so too must our monuments and public displays. What is considered appropriate at one time may no longer be so later on. This is the case with the Soviet-era monument in Estonia that has been removed from public space. The reasons for its removal are numerous, but suffice it to say that times have changed and what was once tolerated is no longer so.


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