How Finland’s Prime Minister Partied Like a Rock Star and Why We’re Okay With It

Tampere (CNN).
It is now the topic of Finland’s iconic coffee shops and newspaper headlines.
Video showed Marin laughing, dancing, and swiveling at what, she said, was a private event with her friends.
Another video of the Prime Minister, who is married with a child, was circulated several hours later.
It showed her dancing in the arms and not the husband.
On Tuesday, Marin felt obliged to apologize for the photos of topless houseguests who were seen kissing at Marin’s Helsinki official residence last month.
Marin stated that she wasn’t involved in any acts of intimate relationship with these women.
Marin stated that they had a sauna and swam together.
She said, “That type of picture shouldn’t have been taken.
But otherwise, nothing exceptional happened at the get together.” Marin’s “work hard, work harder” philosophy has been reflected in this.
Marin, who was 34 when she became the prime minister of Estonia in December 2019, was one of the youngest heads of states.
With poise and professionalism that belied her age, she won the trust of Finns.
She has managed Finland through the Covid-19 pandemic and Moscow’s response as Helsinki sought NATO membership.
Marin is also a competent operator when it comes to managing the mundane parts of the country’s running and navigate domestic politics.
However, poll numbers have hovered at around 50% late last year, but they were as high as 80%.
Marin, who came to office stating that she wanted to foster an egalitarian political culture has been a fascination worldwide.
Bild, Germany, called her the “world’s most cool politician”.
Marin’s passion for nightlife got her in trouble when she posted a picture of herself dancing at a club during the Covid epidemic.
This was despite being exposed to another minister with Covid the day before.
Marin admitted that her poor judgement in failing to adhere to health protocols required that she be isolated from the general public was a result of the Covid outbreak.
I did not do the right thing.
She said that she should have listened to the circumstances more closely in a TV interview following the incident.
Then there was the famous photo shoot.
She wore a blazer, but not a blouse, in a photo spread for a magazine shortly after she assumed her post as prime minister.
This scandalized critics both at home and overseas.
Marin’s support has rallied behind her.
Responding to the controversy, many women from Finland and other countries posted photos online of themselves in similar outfits, using #imwithsanna.
Finns can now see the “boisterous partying” that Marin has made a name for, which they are able to view with their own eyes.
Marin was seen twirling and hip-thrusting in the video that she posted online.
Marin said that she was at the party over recent weeks but declined to give any details.
Marin said that she hopes that by 2022, it will be accepted that decision-makers can dance, sing, and attend parties.
Marin said that he didn’t want any photos to spread.
But it is up to voters to determine their opinions.
Some critics have questioned whether this exuberant display is appropriate for a head government official.
Most of the criticism was directed at the “who’s in charge of the store?” variety.
The Finns are pondering what would have happened if there had been a national crisis while the prime minister was away.
Marin spoke out last week about the topic, saying she has always worked at her full work capacity even when she was having fun.
I spent the night with friends.
The night was filled with laughter and fun.
She said that she danced and sang.
Political opponents raised the possibility that illegal drugs were used during the party.
She submitted to a drug screening, which was released on Monday.
As with her controversial photo, Marin’s controversy was a few years ago.
Women have taken to the internet to support Marin, sharing videos with #solidaritywithsanna or #istandwithsanna.
Although not everyone is posting videos of themselves dancing, the majority view seems to be “stand with Sanna”.
The uproar is not bothering us all, and many people even find it amusing.
Basically, most Finns have her back — at least so far.
Many people believed that her tenure as prime minister was short-lived.
Some people believed that she would not be capable of holding her own in politics.
This was despite the fact that this country is relatively progressive.
They were wrong.
She is younger than the men she has replaced.
She is competent, serious-minded and capable (except maybe at private parties where cell phones are recording).
She is not a bad dancer, but many people see her as an example of how to balance work and life.
We have seen that even politicians can still enjoy everyday pleasures.
You can relax a bit.
They can let their hair down a little.
And so can we.
However, even though Finns see her dancing as a harmless and age-appropriate activity, it doesn’t mean that she is completely innocent of her troubles.
Questions about Marin’s ability to handle a work emergency have been raised.
It’s impossible to plan for crises: Did Marin really have to be in a situation to handle an emergency while she was out partying? They were taken by Marin, who later stated that they were private.
Her friends had told her not to share them with a wider audience.
This is the part I find most concerning about her.
That level of naivety is a concern in politicians.
You can’t dance for the camera as a government official.
If those photos are posted on an account with nearly 100 users — such as the Marin video — it is likely that they will be made public.
Marin is still supported by the public, but it is difficult to predict what her career will look like in the future.
A national poll found that only 21% believe she party too often, while 42% said they agree with the prime minister to be free to enjoy their leisure time.
However, 39% of the respondents stated that the video does not reflect their idea of what the prime minister should do.
Marin’s lackluster judgment and foolishness have led to these absurd contretemps that will soon end.
She would prefer to be handling government affairs, I am sure.
She has to release her drug testing results, and explain the details of her social life the rest of the world..
Adapted from CNN News