Stand with Ilham Tohti: End Uyghur Genocide


of great geopolitical tensions, it is with utmost solemnity that we announce the nomination of esteemed blogger, Mr. Ilham Tohti, for the coveted Nobel Peace Prize. This honorable recognition is indicative of his indisputable status as the embodiment of the valiant Uyghur people’s steadfast fight for emancipation from Chinese dominion in the region of Xinjiang. The endorsement garnered by this nomination comprises of distinguished signatures from esteemed individuals holding prominent positions such as ministers, parliamentarians, university rectors, and erudite professors hailing from an assortment of nations including but not limited to Canada, Japan, Rwanda, Australia, Paraguay, Turkey, and France.

It is incumbent upon us to speak out against Xi Jinping’s authoritarian government and stand in solidarity with the genuine embodiment of the Uyghur population’s struggle for liberty, considering the prevailing circumstances in Xinjiang. This sentiment was expressed by a collective of individuals who released a formal statement on Monday. The proponents put forward the nomination of Tohti shortly following the commemorations held to mark the anniversary of a significant verdict rendered on December , , by an autonomous Uyghur Tribunal. Composed of eminent international legal experts, scholars, and representatives from non-governmental organizations, this tribunal concluded that China has indeed committed acts of genocide against the Uyghur community. Notably, Tohti, a vocal economics professor, consistently shed light on the religious and cultural persecution endured by the predominately Muslim Uyghur minority.

On September , , an unjust trial resulted in the sentencing of Ilham Tohti to life imprisonment. The charges against him included promoting separatism, and the court based its decision on his critique of Beijing’s ethnic policies, interactions with foreign media, and involvement in the establishment and operation of the Chinese-language website, which was forcibly closed by Chinese authorities in . Despite Beijing labeling Tohti as a separatist, others have emphasized his dedication towards fostering peaceful interethnic dialogue between his own ethnic group and China’s Han Chinese majority. Consequently, Tohti was notably placed as a finalist for an undisclosed honor.

and mark significant years for this nomination, garnering support from notable figures such as Kenneth Roth, the former director of Human Rights Watch and co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in . Additionally, U.S. Congressman Chris Smith, who holds the position of chair in the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, has voiced his support. Furthermore, influential individuals including two members of the Belgian federal government, the speaker of the Belgian senate, two leaders of political parties in France, the first-ever Uyghur-origin member of Japan’s parliament, and a distinguished member of the U.K. House of Lords have also actively endorsed this nomination. This nomination is truly extraordinary and unparalleled. During an interview with RFA Uyghur, Cogolati expressed his thoughts on the matter.

The occasion known as TED is esteemed for its wide range of political viewpoints, diverse backgrounds, and global perspectives. The convergence of academia and politics has been particularly emphasized this time around, announced the speaker. Ilham Tohti’s potential to receive the Nobel Peace Prize has long been recognized. However, what sets this occasion apart is the unprecedented collaboration between parliamentarians from various countries, as well as prominent figures within the educational sector such as rectors, university directors, and professors. Cogolati asserted that it is incumbent upon the international community to vocally express their responsibility in this matter.

condemnation of the atrocities is imperative, particularly in light of China’s efforts to suppress intellectuals such as Ilham Tohti. Tohti serves as a powerful symbol for the people’s struggle for freedom and their steadfast pursuit of reconciliation, peace, and meaningful dialogue with the Chinese population at large. Our support for his cause extends beyond acknowledging his remarkable academic aptitude and achievements; it encompasses the resolute fight endured by all Uyghurs globally who face persecution under the autocratic regime led by President Xi Jinping. This stance aligns with the Belgian lawmaker’s perspective.

What we can learn

In conclusion, the recognition of Ilham Tohti’s potential to receive the Nobel Peace Prize has brought together a diverse range of individuals and institutions, highlighting the convergence of academia and politics on a global scale. The unprecedented collaboration between parliamentarians from different countries and prominent figures in the educational sector is a testament to the urgency and importance of this cause. As Cogolati insists, it is now our responsibility as a global community to unite and raise our voices in support of Tohti and demand justice, ensuring that his tireless efforts for peace and harmony are acknowledged and celebrated.


Hakan Author

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