What makes Shanghai Disney so special?

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has had a profound impact on the global economy and on individual businesses and industries. The casino industry in Macau has been no exception, with casinos forced to shut down for over two months from February 2020.
1. What is the “dynamic zeroCOVID” policy that Macau is following?
The “dynamic zeroCOVID” policy is a policy that Macau is following in order to keep the COVID-19 virus from spreading. The policy includes locking down certain areas, including the area around Shanghai Disney. The policy is meant to keep people from congregating in large groups and to keep them from coming into contact with each other.
2. Why are casino operators in Macau awaiting a government decision on new licenses?
As the novel coronavirus continues to spread throughout China, many businesses are feeling the effects. This includes casino operators in Macau, who are now awaiting a government decision on new licenses.
The outbreak of the virus began in the city of Wuhan, located in central China. Since then, it has spread to other parts of the country, including the Special Administrative Region of Macau. As a result of the outbreak, many businesses in the region have been forced to close, including all of the casinos.
The closure of the casinos has had a major impact on the economy of Macau. The gaming industry is a major contributor to the region’s GDP, and the loss of revenue has been felt by many.
Quick Summary
The novel coronavirus continues to cause widespread disruption and death across the globe, with no end in sight. As authorities race to trace the contacts of those infected, businesses are forced to shut down, Sometimes a day at the park really does turn into a life-ending nightmare. This is the reality of the pandemic we are currently facing.